Who We Are
Founded in 2013 by Sangeeta Shah, Cesta Holistic Healing Studio strives to emotionally balance and empower people. We follow a simple principle – people spend large parts of their lives physically detoxing their bodies, may it be through diets, exercises or medication. However, the buildup of emotional toxins is almost never considered even though research has indicated a direct link in emotional state and health. We strive to help people not just release these emotions to maintain balance, but also to teach them the techniques to do so, hence empowering them forever.
Cesta is now one of the premier holistic healing institutes in India, with 3000+ clients taking part in one-on-one therapies and internationally certified workshops. Our therapists and teachers are trained in several modalities, including but not limited to ThetaHealing (which we teach 16 levels of), HypnoTherapy, Past Life Regression and Balanced Emotional Empowerment. Since no one modality is perfect and no two people are the same, this holistic approach ensures our therapists and teachers can provide the best experience to anyone they serve.
What we want to be.
To become the world's largest educational institute teaching Emotional Wellness and bring change in the world helping humanity to have emotional equilibrium and balance.
What defines us.
Customer Care
What we want to see.
An emotionally empowered world.