Sangeeta Shah
"The mind is everything. You become what you think."

Certificate of Science in ThetaHealing, USA (Licensed Trainer & Practitioner)
Founder of the BEE Technique
Past Life Regression & Applied Hypnosis Trainer
Sangeeta Shah is the founder of Cesta Holistic Healing Studio. She is a versatile and experienced healer with over 20 years of experience in the field of alternate healing and energy therapy. She has an open, warm and non judgmental demeanor that makes her easy to talk to and trust – 2 qualities that are paramount in this kind of healing.
In addition to being an excellent therapist, she is also a fantastic teacher. Her classes are full of case studies that make the topic come alive for her students. She truly goes above and beyond to curate and develop material and techniques that make it easy for her students to practice and apply what they have learnt.
She specializes in training kids and adults alike and has worked on multiple complicated cases over the years. Her dream is to empower individuals to create a better, balanced society that is well tuned with balanced mind, body and soul.