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  • Do you take sessions?
    Yes, we do take one on one therapy sessions across the globe. These sessions are customised as per the clients requirement and receptivity to heal.
  • How does 'healing' work?
    Healing works for people who believe that it is possible to cure any and every problem in all aspect of life physically and emotionally through healing. Healing always happens through Divine via Channels called healers. It involves the transfer of energy. The healer connects to Divine or Universal Energy to channel healing for the mind, body and spirit. It is the Divine who guides healers to heal the issue through their intuitive and psychic abilities. It promotes self-healing by relaxing the body, releasing tensions and strengthening the body’s own immune system. Healing is natural and non-invasive with the intention of bringing the recipient into a state of balance and wellbeing on all levels. Healing can also be given as distant healing (when the healer is not in the presence of the client). The process remains the same.
  • How many sessions will I require?
    The number of sessions required is not fixed and depends on the client and their willingness and acceptance of the healing. The readiness of the client to allow the problem to be healed from their life will determine the number of sessions required. The more the client is open to allowing the healing process within him/her, the fewer sessions will be required. We take years and sometimes may lifetimes to create patterns and beliefs that do not serve us. So, we should be patient and give certain time and faith for layers of issue and root issue to be resolved completely.
  • Will my problem be solved permanently?
    Healing aims at restoring well being and balance. The primary work of healing is at an emotional, mental and energy level, though the impact is felt on the physical body as well. So, if the client adopts the new thought & belief patterns they will be able to solve their problems permanently. If they revert to old unhealthy habits that created the issue, there is a chance that the problems may reappear.
  • Is my information confidential?
    Confidentiality is of topmost priority at Cesta during a session. All information that will be shared by you will remain between you and your therapist only. In rare cases, where there may be a chance to share your information for learning purposes, this will be done only with your permission and without the usage of names.
  • Will I get stuck in a past life?
    No. However deep a person regresses, they always come back to waking consciousness naturally. This is like a person waking up after a dream. It is like watching a movie or reading a book, you cannot be stuck in the movie characters or as the book protagonist even though you are completely immersed in the story. It is important to understand that what one sees and experiences is in the past and it is over. You must be detached and understand that the pain is over and done with. It is completely safe for you to move on in your current life.
  • Will I have to stop my doctor's medication?
    No. All healing modalities offered at Cesta encourage working hand in hand with medical doctors and treatments.
  • Do you take Past Life Regression sessions?
    Yes, we do take Past Life Regression sessions but only in a physical format. PLR is a very in-depth release modality and cannot be performed virtually.
  • What are your charges for therapy?
    At Cesta, we offer therapies (private sessions) in four levels. 1) Charitable therapist: Rs 590 per session (Work experience of six months to two years) 2) Senior therapist: Rs 2950 per session (Work experience of two to five years) 3) Richa Parikh: Rs 11000 per session (The founder of Cesta House of Healing, Hong Kong who has practiced holistic healing for 13 years) 4) Sangeeta Shah: Rs 25000 per session (The founder of Cesta Holistic Healing Studio and the pioneer of holistic healing in India with a vast experience of over 20 years) Each session is one hour long and the prices above are inclusive of all taxes. Please let us know which level you would prefer to book, and if you have any further questions/queries we can answer! *Prices are subject to change every year*
  • Your charges are too high!
    At Cesta Healing, we have a holistic approach and sessions are customised totally as per the clients requirement and receptivity to heal. Our therapists are certified and experienced who would effectively guide you through the healing process. Hence the energy exchange for the sessions has been developed in this manner.
  • Language is an issue for me, how can you help?
    At Cesta Healing Studio we have therapists from all across the globe. We primarily do sessions in Hindi, English & Gujarati. However, any other language requested by the client can be arranged for.
  • What class should I start with?
    You can start with either Basic DNA 2 or BEE Happy as your first class. For ThetaHealing: You will start with Basic DNA 2 which will give you a thorough introduction to ThetaHealing along with empowering you with the basic tools required to conduct thetahealing sessions for yourself and others. For BEE & Past Life Regression: You will start with BEE Happy. This course will teach you the BEE (Balanced Emotional Empowerment) method. This is a body + mind self help method. It combines gentle touch together with mindful & vocal attention to thought sand feelings. This is combined with tapping on the karate chop and deep breathing while focusing on the issue to be resolved. Cesta recommends the Cesta Foundation package for beginners. BEE (Balanced Emotional Empowerment) & ThetaHealing are complementary modalities. They work beautifully together to give the Client a resolution to their problems. The Cesta Foundation Course is designed to train you thoroughly in both these modalities. It will empower to solve issues and concerns in all walks of life – from physical health problems to emotional issues. It is a package that is curated keeping your holistic wellbeing as priority.
  • How many workshops should I do?
    Cesta recommends completing the Graduate program for anyone looking to truly understand healing. If that is too much of a commitment to directly get into, we recommend at least doing the Foundation program as it will give a strong base knowledge into the subconscious and the world of healing. Please find more information on the programs here.
  • How will these workshops help me?
    The Cesta workshops are designed to give you a practical approach to resolving issues. The workshops will provide you with the tools required to address any kind of issues that you face in your daily life. In addition, they will introduce you to the right way of thinking which will enable you to transform your life from inside out. These workshops will help you to: Connect with the Divine Exploring your Intuitive Abilities Hear your own inner voice Receive Guidance from Divine/Creator to lead your daily life Be more conscious on your patterns and release negative patterns from all areas of life Release your own blocking beliefs that will help you clear your path for better life Many more benefits that will be differ by individuals once they start their journey
  • Will workshops help me solve my own problems in the future?
    Yes of course! Our workshops are designed in a way that gives both knowledge and information about the healing modality as well as practical experience. Post attending a workshop, you will be empowered to do healing on yourself and others.
  • What is ThetaHealing?
    The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy - not specific to one religion but accepting them all - with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator or God. It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle by changing negative thought and belief patterns. Theta is type of Brain Wave which we are in to during initial 15 – 20 mins of our sleep. In this frequency we are able to connect with Creator and also be conscious of our thoughts and perform healing. Founded by Vianna Stibal, Theta Healing is a life changing modality which believes that everything that happens in our lives is attracted by us. Hence, by changing our mindset, beliefs and internal thoughts, we can control our lives much better and create our own reality! Understand better by watching this short video:
  • What is BEE?
    BEE (Balanced Emotional Empowerment) is a body + mind self help method. It combines gentle touch together with mindful & vocal attention to thoughts and feelings. As a modality, it allows the practitioner to understand themselves and their clients at a deeper level. Layers of emotional baggage are released by just following the BEE process. Seamless release of this baggage allows the client to reach the true core of their being and live life to their highest and truest potential. It is one of the simplest, yet highly effective healing tools for self-help and to help loved ones. You can combine it effectively with some other modalities or use it as a standalone modality.
  • What is Past Life Regression?
    Past Life Regression (PLR) is a healing modality which uses clinical hypnosis as a base to regress a client into past lives/memories /incarnations. This modality is based on the Law of Karma. It allows us access into our subconscious minds that store all our memories and experiences across time/lifetimes. The root of all healing modalities is the connection between the mind and the soul. The soul exists to keep learning, while the mind is our guiding power to fulfill the learning. We have been in the physical plane many times before in many different bodies, many different cultures and in both genders. There are still some unlearnt lessons that the soul wants to complete, which is the reason for our current existence. Through PLR we can understand the root cause of recurring patterns across our lifetimes – be it in money, relationships, fears, health, etc. PLR enables us to learn from these patterns and complete the lessons. This in turn enables us to live a better current life.
  • I have already done the basic theta level, what next/ how to enroll for advanced?
    Good job there! We’re glad to see that you choose to take this journey to the next level. If you have learned the Theta Healing Basic DNA 2 workshop with Cesta, you can simply get in touch with us on 9819232223 to enroll for the next level. If you are someone who has completed the above class from another Theta Healer, you are required to submit your course completion certificate issued by Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge (THiNK). Post that we shall process your workshop registration.
  • Do you have smaller amount workshops?
    Yes, we do have mini workshops that range from the price of Rs. 400 to Rs. 4000. These workshops are pre - recorded and essentially focus on understanding and releasing emotions related to different problems. These workshops will not provide you with techniques that you can use by yourself but rather help you through your release work. We have mini workshops on topics like Health, Relationships, Finance, Career, Over thinking, Stress Management, Anger Management, etc.
  • What are mini release workshops? How are they different from other full time workshops?
    All our mini release workshops are problem based, they help you release the limiting beliefs, behavioral patterns, thought process, energy field which causes you the problem. You will get the cognitive understanding of the problem, what is the problem, how and where it comes from, etc. Not only this but since we work with the subconscious mind, we help you release and eradicate your problems using tools and techniques like Balanced Emotional Empowerment, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Theta Healing and more. In case of your full time workshops, we teach you the technique and how to use it yourself, practice as a therapist, etc. Here, not only do you get the opportunity to release your own issues but also to heal others. You are the patient in case of mini release workshops and you are the doctor in case of the main workshops.
  • Why should I do a program?
    If you looking for answers for why certain things keep happening in your life repeatedly in the same pattern, or if you truly want to understand holistic healing, then you should do a program. This program will help you to seek knowledge of another dimension which can be experienced by working on yourself and on others. It will give you complete clarity in all areas of your life with more and more practice.
  • What is the benefit of doing a program over individual workshops?
    Our programs are priced to offer a substantial discount compared to conducting individual courses, while also giving additional benefits that are otherwise not available. Most importantly, our programs are curated to include the correct combination of workshops to provide the holistic understanding of healing that will allow you to be effective and confident in your application of the techniques.
  • What is Foundation Program?
    The Foundation Program is designed to be an introduction to holistic healing. Through three Theta Healing courses and a Balanced Emotional Empowerment course, students will gain the knowledge of the techniques and how they work cohesively.
  • What is Graduate Program?
    The graduate program is our most recommended program. It provides students with the basic knowledge of all the techniques taught at Cesta. However, where the Graduate Program differentiates itself is in the inclusion of specialized, higher level classes which have been chosen to allow the student to confidently tackle any problem of their own that they might face. If the foundation program is the equivalent of completing primary school, the graduate program is the completion of high school which allows you to go into the world with experience and confidence in your tools.
  • What is Masters Program?
    The Masters Program is designed to provide you with a whole new career! Over two years, Cesta will ensure you gain total mastery over Theta Healing, Balanced Emotional Empowerment, Applied Hypnosis and Past Life Regression. The package includes 84 full days of teaching, several months of practice rounds and special perks to ensure you can embark on this new career with ease. Furthermore, as a show of confidence in our Masters, Cesta provides the guaranteed option to all its Masters students to conduct sessions with Cesta clients, hence ensuring they can implement their new learnings professionally and empower as many people as possible!
  • What do you do?
    Cesta is one of the premier holistic healing institutes in India, with 3000+ clients taking part in one-on-one therapies and internationally certified workshops. Our therapists and teachers are trained in several modalities, including but not limited to ThetaHealing (which we teach 16 levels of), HypnoTherapy, Past Life Regression and Balanced Emotional Empowerment. Since no one modality is perfect and no two people are the same, this holistic approach ensures our therapists and teachers can provide the best experience to anyone they serve.
  • What is Cesta?
    Cesta Holistic Healing Studio strives to emotionally balance and empower people. We follow a simple principle – people spend large parts of their lives physically detoxing their bodies, may it be through diets, exercises or medication. However, the buildup of emotional toxins is almost never considered even though research has indicated a direct link in emotional state and health. We strive to help people not just release these emotions to maintain balance, but also to teach them the techniques to do so, hence empowering them forever. ​ Cesta is now one of the premier holistic healing institutes in India, with 3000+ clients taking part in one-on-one therapies and internationally certified workshops. Our therapists and teachers are trained in several modalities, including but not limited to ThetaHealing (which we teach 16 levels of), HypnoTherapy, Past Life Regression and Balanced Emotional Empowerment. Since no one modality is perfect and no two people are the same, this holistic approach ensures our therapists and teachers can provide the best experience to anyone they serve.
  • What are the payment options you have?
    We accept RTGS/NEFT/IMPS, UPI, Bharat QR, Netbanking, mobile wallets and all major credit/debit card payments. We also accept cash payments upto Rs. 2,00,000 per person at our studio or through a deposit into our account (a PAN card copy might be requested for cash payments above Rs. 50,000). Please find more information about this on the Payments page.
  • Can I pay in installments?
    We offer EMI payments on most major banks' credit cards in India. For one on one therapies, we do not provide installment payment options as the session booking needs to be completed with the energy exchange. However, we do provide installment options for our practitioner workshops wherein 50% of the workshop price is to be paid upfront during registration and 50% to be paid before the class begins. We also have EMI options on our payment portal for our practitioner workshops
  • Why Cesta for workshops?
    While we at Cesta are a healing institute, we believe in maintaining healthy relationships with all that we associate with, be it our students or clients. Our environment is more like family than a student teacher setup. We provide additional practice rounds post workshops as well as train therapists on their way forward in the healing journey. We provide training and clarity on the techniques and further how to deal with clients. Students and therapists are trained to effectively handle and heal all kinds of problems.
  • How is Cesta different from others?
    Cesta Holistic Healing Studio is a client oriented healing studio. While we work using hypnosis, past life regression, theta healing, balanced emotional empowerment etc., we are not centric to any one modality. Every soul is unique and has it’s own journey, each has their own way of receiving information. Any healing can be done at the level of the opposite person's receptivity. Hence, we strongly believe in merging different tools and techniques which work fastest and best for the client. We are client centric and healing centric where we maintain equal respect for each modality and at the same time customise techniques and merge them as per clients need, personality, nature and demands.
  • What services do you offer?
    At Cesta Holistic Healing Studio we provide: - Workshops and training in Balanced Emotional Empowerment (BEE), Theta Healing and Past Life Regression - One on One Therapy Sessions - Corporate Workshops - Mini release workshops on topics like Health, Relationships, Finance, Career, Over-thinking and so on… - Graduation and Masters programs in Healing - Customised programs as per client requirement
  • What is healing?
    Everything around us is energy. We can see potential energy in different patterns and things. Everything is a pattern and hence all problems are also a specific pattern. To heal is to change a pattern from something that is unwanted to something wanted. It is a process that takes place at the level of a person's readiness and receptivity to heal.
  • What are one on one sessions?
    One on one therapy sessions are sessions where a therapist works on a particular clients issue and helps the client emotionally release their blocks. These sessions are backed by techniques like Balanced Emotional Empowerment (BEE), Theta Healing, Past Life Regression and more.. Each session is customised as per the clients requirements, demands and receptivity. Using the above modalities, we at Cesta can work on any issue under the sun that is requested by a client.
  • I don’t have money for the sessions or workshops, what to do?
    In situations where affordability is an issue, Cesta may provide scholarships only if there are valid documents submitted to Cesta Healing Studio such as below poverty line certificate. Apart from this, we also have referral programs wherein a person can gain their workshop for free if they bring in 10 paid members to Cesta. For example, if one brings 10 students (paid and registered) for BEE Happy workshop, he/she will get their workshop for FREE.
  • I’m 35 years old and have kids, I cannot take out enough time to work full day but I want to do something, I want a career. Can you help me??
    As a parent, time management is really important. It is essential for you to segregate the time for your child’s classes, school, activities and time for yourself. When you say you don’t have time, you may not have the time for an official 9 am to 5 pm job. However, most of our workshops are 5 days long, online and scheduled for the day time which is usually the time children are at school. If you bring us a batch of students, we may schedule the time as per your requirement. In the span of 6-8 months, you are trained and can kickstart your career in healing. You don’t need to work from 9-5 because this field is very flexible. You can work early mornings or late at night, choice is yours.
  • I’m a homemaker - 40+ I have big kids - it's too late to start a career but I want to do something now. Can you help me??
    In any other field, one needs to be qualified to be able to apply for a job, age criteria are taken into consideration while applying for a particular role like doctor, engineer, mass media, etc. Healing is a field where we sell positivity. This field is actually our inborn quality. Even if you are a homemaker, you can study all the courses we provide because: 1. They are not age specific 2. They are internationally certified so once you have the certification, you can practice across the globe just by sitting at home and build your career Next, whether you want to practice as a full time healer or eventually be a part of the Cesta team or you choose to teach this curriculum as a certified trainer, a foundation is required. A bonus point is that our workshops are not scheduled back to back, they are spread across time so that you have the time and space to learn, absorb and practice the techniques. Most of our students have been homemakers and chose healing as their career.
  • Do you have college programs?
    Cesta Healing Studio provides programs for schools as well as colleges. Most often, institutes come to us with the problem areas that their students face and we customize workshops as per their requirement. A very common topic that comes to us is exam anxiety because students constantly have the pressure of passing exams. Other topics we work on are: Handling Peer Pressure Stress Management Generation Gap Emotional Balance Relationships Confidence Building Career stress/ guidance Addictions Goal Setting Competition Concentration, and more…
  • Do you do Reiki/ Pranic healing? How is it different from what you do?
    Everything in the universe is energy. Whenever healing takes place, it is said that there is cosmic energy present - called as supreme energy, creator of all that is, prime creator, energy of the divine through which we heal. Modalities like Reiki, Pranic healing work on cleansing the auric energy and drawing the universal energy. What we at Cesta do is basically identifying the root cause of the problem and its cause of existence at the thought level. We help one heal from the inside to the outside by going to the core of it. Theta Healing is famous for its belief work - identifying what you’re holding on to, accepting it, changing and replacing those beliefs for new and positive ones. You can also change faulty genetic structures, bring the body chemistry back in balance and so many more fascinating exercises.
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